About Me

Hello, I’m Connor Shea. I am a Rhode Island based graphic designer. You can find some examples of my work here on my website. I am a New England Tech graduate, but started my journey in the design world before attending college. I thought it would be a good idea to share how I got into this field by telling my story below. That way, you can see some examples of the dedication, growth, and hard work that went into finding my path towards design.

Online Promotions

Motion Graphics

Printed Promotions

How I got into Graphic Design

A couple years before apply to NEIT, I got into graphic design… by accident.

I was a manager at a liquor store and took my job very seriously. I spent all day trying to improve the store I worked for. I was always up to learn new things and take on new roles.

Motion Graphics

Eventually, I got curious about animating some quick promotions for our social media. Below is a supercut of the few humorous adverts I made. These were either posted as stories on social media or as individual posts themselves.


I only created this one gif but always really like it.

It’s meant to replicate late 90’s early 2000’s graphics

as I find them to have a nostalgic spookiness.


The zombie is a real life sized prop.

His name is Dead Ed.


pumpkin king zombie gif

Printed Promotions

  One of the final things I started to get into while working at the liquor store was printed media. The coolest things about the liquor industry, to me, is all of the promotional gear that brands create. However, it became very clear to me that not all brands are able to promote their products as much as the larger industry leaders. Popular items like door handle promotions are usually sought after by dominating brands like Budweiser or such.

  While that is acceptable in most cases, our store had a large craft beer selection with over 10 doors. It didn’t make sense to me to promote large brands on doors that didn’t contain those products. So, I began designing my own using craft beer brands that were becoming more and more popular at the time. This led to a lot of experimenting with our office printer to get the sizing right and my trusty junk drawer full of different materials/glue sticks.